November 7, 2020
I’ve tried a lot of things and would love others to get started so here’s my best advice on pickling equipment. Just to be clear though… You don’t have to have all this stuff! You’ll get good results with any old jury rigged system you come up with so long as you use the right […]
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November 7, 2020
I have never liked them. 10 years ago we joined a CSA for a weekly box of vegetables and for a while we got some every week. What do do with them? I tried sautéed, au graten, mashed with potatoes, quick vinegar pickles. Blech. Blech. Blech. Blech. This year we started our CSA box again […]
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July 16, 2020
I’ve tried a number of variations including traditional bread kvass. This one is my favorite! A tart, fizzy, probiotic beverage with lots of vitamins and minerals. Great over ice on a hot day. Clean water 1/2 sweet potato, shredded 1/2 beet, shredded 1 c shredded carrot 1 Tbsp dried orange peel 1 Tbsp dried lemon […]
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